Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Political Forum - Thurs. Oct. 19th - Italian Cultural Centre

I received this invitation for a debate amongst the candidates.
Please try to attend if you can.

Dear Candidates,

This is just to remind you of the Thunder Bay Real Estate Boards Political Forum being held on Thursday at 1:15 until 2:15 at the Italian Cultural Centre on Algoma St. Please find following a list of questions which will be addressed for debate amongst the Candidates.

1) Our property taxes have increased significantly in the last 3 years, what is your view as to keep them from increasing further? (privatization of services, sale of assets, etc. . .)

2) Do you see the Waterfront development as a sustainable project or one that would require subsidies to stay viable?

3) The Thunder Bay Real Estate Board partnered in the Fast Forward project to promote the city to outside interest without much success, although a good idea and concept. How would you integrate the New
Fast Forward to increase exposure for Thunder Bay?

4) When speaking of development, Intercity has become the new Downtown in the last decade, but most of the zoning has remained light industrial. Should the city be more flexible in allowing zoning changes in order to generate growth?

Thank you in advance for your attendance. We look forward to meeting
with you.

Wendy Siltamaki
Director of Education
Thunder Bay Real Estate Board

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